Does prophylactic administration of TXA reduce mean operative time and postoperative blood loss in posterior approach lumbar spinal fusion surgery performed for degenerative spinal disease?
Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques Aug 02, 2019
Larson E, et al. - Through a level III retrospective cohort study, researchers examined correlation between prophylactic tranexamic acid (TXA) administration before 1 and 2-level posterior lumbar interbody fusion operations and perioperative blood loss (including intraoperative blood loss and postoperative drain output), mean operative time, postoperative transfusion, and postoperative venous thromboembolic events. A study group (n = 75) of individuals who underwent 1 and 2-level posterior lumbar interbody fusion operations for degenerative indications who received TXA before the start of the procedure, and a control group (n = 75) of individuals who underwent similar surgeries for the same indications and did not receive TXA preoperatively, were recruited in this study. In regards to surgery type, home anticoagulation, postoperative anticoagulation, preoperative hemoglobin, and hematocrit, predicted intraoperative blood loss, postoperative day 2 drain output, postoperative day 3 drain output, rate of postoperative transfusion, and rate of postoperative thromboembolic events, no statistically important variations were discovered among groups. Relative to postoperative day 1 drain output, total postoperative drain output, and mean surgical time, statistically notable declines were observed in the TXA group. Therefore, perioperative TXA administration was correlated with decreased postoperative drain output and surgical time.
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