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Does Medicaid expansion improve access to care for the first-time shoulder dislocator?

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Sep 20, 2019

Kirchner GE, Rivers NJ, Balogh EF, et al. - Via choosing four pairs of Medicaid expanded (Louisiana, Kentucky, Iowa, and Nevada) and unexpanded (Alabama, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Utah) states in similar geographic locations, researchers evaluated the impact of individual state Medicaid expansion status on access to care for shoulder instability. Telephone contact was made with a total of 91 physician offices in 8 states. According to findings, access to care is more difficult with Medicaid insurance vs private insurance for a first-time shoulder dislocator. Access to care in Medicaid expanded states is more difficult in comparison with unexpanded states within Medicaid insurance. Medicaid patients are twice as likely to receive an appointment in unexpanded states as those in expanded states.
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