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Does functional outcome depend on the quality of the fracture fixation? Mid to long term outcomes of ankle fractures at two university teaching hospitals

Foot and Ankle Surgery May 15, 2018

Roberts V, et al. - Researchers scrutinized the adequacy of reduction and internal fixation of ankle fractures and the long-term functional outcomes of patients treated in 2 university teaching hospitals by general orthopaedic surgeons. All patients were contacted by postal follow up at a minimum of 6-years using the Olerud-Molander Ankle Score (OMAS). Findings disclosed that the outcome scores decreased as the complexity of the ankle fracture increased. Furthermore, trimalleolar fractures (B3) presented with worse outcomes compared to bimalleolar fractures (B2 and C); which in turn reported worse outcomes vs isolated lateral malleolar fractures (B1). A notable reduction was yielded in the patient-reported function in patients whose fractures were malreduced at the time of surgery.
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