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Does food insecurity link to suicidal behaviors among in-school adolescents? Findings from the low-income country of sub-Saharan Africa

BMC Psychiatry Aug 01, 2019

Shayo FK, et al. - In-school adolescents were studied for their suicide behaviors in correlation with food insecurity. Based on the secondary analysis of the first nationally representative sample of the 2014 Tanzania Global School-based Student Health Survey, researchers performed this work analyzing a total sample of 3,793 in-school adolescents. Among the 3,793 in-school adolescents, 254 (6·7%) were noted to be food insecure. Outcomes suggest an independent predictive value of food insecurity for suicidal behaviors among in-school adolescents. Adolescents of the food-insecure household could be protected from suicidal behaviors via targeting food security at the school level. Nevertheless, adolescents with suicidal behaviors may require school-based mental health screening, evaluation, and promotion.
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