Does anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) predict biochemical hyperandrogenism, oligo-anovulation (OA), metabolic dysfunction (MD), and metabolic syndrome (MetS)?: Results from a longitudinal study
Fertility and Sterility Apr 12, 2019
Smith M, et al. - Longitudinal changes in AMH were examined from childhood and adolescence into adulthood. Further, its association with OA, sex steroids, MD, and MetS was determined. From the Fels Longitudinal Study, they studied 90 healthy female subjects with baseline ages of 7.7 to 19.2 yrs and followed them up to 39 yrs. This longitudinal cohort suggests no predictive value of AMH for ovarian hyperandrogenism, OA, or MetS when controlling for confounders. Clarification is required for the association of AMH and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS).
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