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Do psychosocial factors predict muscle strength, pain, or physical performance in patients with knee osteoarthritis?

JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology Sep 12, 2017

Baert IAC, et al. - The association of psychosocial factors, namely, pain catastrophizing, kinesiophobia, and maladaptive coping strategies, with muscle strength, pain, and physical performance in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA)–related symptoms were examined in this study. In understanding clinical features associated with knee OA, like muscle weakness, pain catastrophizing, kinesiophobia, and coping strategy could offer something additional beyond what could be explained by traditional factors, emphasizing the importance of a biopsychosocial approach to knee OA management. However, additional study on individual patient characteristics that mediate the effects of psychosocial factors was required to create opportunities for more targeted, personalized treatment for knee OA.
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