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Do emissions from landfill fires affect pregnancy outcomes?: A retrospective study after arson at a solid waste facility in Sicily

BMJ Open Jul 10, 2019

Mazzucco W, et al. - Through a retrospective study of a community living near the largest landfill plant in Sicily comprising of 551 births, live births and stillbirths from pregnancies of mothers who conceived during a 40 week period during which the highest fire’s peak might have affected pregnancy, the researchers assessed vital statistics data in order to estimate any possible effect on pregnancies at different gestational ages of pollutants released from the landfill on fire. Three-Fold rise in the risk of very preterm birth between the extra-urban area and the remaining low inhabitant's density and unindustrialised areas was seen in singleton live births, for births whose pregnancies were in the third trimester. In comparison with the reference group, an abundance of very low birth weight singleton infants in the study group were observed who were restricted to births to mothers exposed during the periconception period and the first trimester. Due to the minute number of outcomes reported, the correlation estimations were imprecise. Hence, this study recorded an abundance of very preterm and very low birth weight among infants born to mothers who were exposed to landfill fire emissions during conception or early pregnancy.
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