Diversity of the oral microbiome between dentate and edentulous individuals
Oral Diseases Feb 14, 2019
Gazdeck RK, et al. - A sum of 52 dentate and 49 edentulous individuals were examined to study the diversity of the oral microbiome between the two groups. They performed 16S rRNA gene sequencing, QIIME-based data processing, and statistical analysis to detect differences in the salivary microbiome between the 2 groups. They noticed lesser bacteria diversity in the edentulous group. They significantly found a deficiency of all 31 of the most vital differences in taxa which occurred in the edentulous group. Many of these taxa were correlated with dental plaque and gingival sulcus associated bacteria. They demonstrated that the measurement of 16S rRNA genes in the bacteria of the saliva could be used to reproducibly measure disparities in the oral microbiome that occurred with edentulism, essentially the lack of tooth and tooth-related structures.
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