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Distribution of pupil offset and angle kappa in a refractive surgery preoperative population of 750 myopic, emmetropic, and hyperopic eyes

Journal of Refractive Surgery Jan 15, 2021

Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Rowe EL, et al. - In this retrospective study, researchers reported the distribution of pupil offset and angle kappa in 750 myopic, emmetropic, and hyperopic eyes presenting for refractive surgery. Between January 2006 and February 2013, 750 consecutive eyes screened for corneal refractive surgery were included. A pupil offset is present in the vast majority of eyes, contrary to common belief, irrespective of refractive error, with a mean temporal offset of at least 0.18 mm. The largest pupil offset has been found in the hyperopic group, supporting prior studies. However, in myopic and emmetropic eyes, there was also a wide range of pupil offset. The hypothesis that pupil offset is also associated with axial length is reinforced by correlations with SEQ and keratometry.

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