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Discharge to inpatient facilities after lumbar fusion surgery is associated with increased postoperative venous thromboembolism and readmissions

The Spine Journal Jun 09, 2018

Khormaee S, et al. - Experts ascertained the relationship between post-hospital discharge to inpatient care facilities and postoperative complications after lumbar fusion surgery. They conducted a retrospective review of all 1- to 3-level primary posterior lumbar fusion cases in the 2010-2014 National Surgical Quality Improvement Program registry. Findings suggested an independent association of discharge to continued inpatient care vs home after primary posterior lumbar fusion with higher odds of certain major complications. An independent association of being discharged to inpatient facilities with a higher risk of thromboembolic complications, urinary complications, and unplanned readmission was seen on multivariable propensity-adjusted analysis.
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