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Disadvantages of a weight estimation formula for macrosomic fetuses: The Hart formula from a clinical perspective

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Oct 09, 2018

Weiss C, et al. - The majority of the generally used formulas for weight estimation of macrosomic fetuses underestimate fetal weight (FW) when the actual birth weight (BW) exceeds 4000 grams, so researchers tested the usefulness of the Hart formula, a specially designed formula including maternal weight at booking, published by Hart et al. They performed a retrospective study of 3,304 singleton pregnancies with a birth weight ≥ 3,500 grams. On application of the Hart formula, they noted an overestimation of fetal weight in neonates with a birth weight < 4000 grams. The formula also failed to identify high-risk fetuses. Consequently, Hart’s formula is considered irrelevant clinically.

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