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Direct medical costs of interprosthetic femoral fracture treatment: A cohort analysis

Injury Apr 26, 2021

Kanakaris NK, Komnos GA, Mohrir G, et al. - The present study was performed to calculate the direct medical cost of the surgical treatment of interprosthetic fractures (IPFs) in the NHS and analyze the factors influencing this when using different methods of surgical treatment. Researchers studied a cohort of patients with IPFs treated in a single academic unit over a period of 8-years with different surgical methods. A total of 28 patients (22 females) with IPFs with a median age of 78.4 years were included in the study. The data indicate that when managing these complex fractures with variable contemporary techniques, the first cost identification study and “best-case scenario” comparative analysis for IPFs indicated a significant overall direct medical cost. As per the findings, evidence-based reimbursement strategies should be developed to allow the sustainability of the clinical service we offer in this challenging patient population.

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