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Direct and indirect costs of end-stage renal disease patients in the first and second years after initiation of nocturnal home haemodialysis, hospital haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Jan 25, 2019

Wong CKH, et al. - Researchers performed a cost analysis determining the direct and indirect costs of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients in the first and second years of initiating peritoneal dialysis (PD), hospital-based haemodialysis (HD) and nocturnal home HD. Analyzing 402 ESRD patients on maintenance dialysis (PD: 189; hospital-based HD: 170; and nocturnal home HD: 43) they identified that hospital-based HD had the highest total annual direct medical costs in the initial year (hospital-based HD = $400 057 ± 62 822; PD = $118 467 ± 15 559; nocturnal home HD = $223 358 ± 18 055) and second year (hospital-based HD = $360 924  ± 63 014; PD = $80 796 ± 15 820; nocturnal home HD = $87 028 ± 9059) from the perspective of the healthcare provider. Further they identified hospital-based HD to have the highest total annual costs in the initial year (hospital-based HD = $452 151  ± 73 327; PD = $189 191 ± 61 735; nocturnal home HD = $242 038 ± 28 281) and second year (hospital-based HD = $413 017 ± 73 501; PD = $151 520 ± 60 353; nocturnal home HD = $105 708 ± 23 853) from the societal perspective. These findings suggest PD as cost-saving relative to hospital-based HD and nocturnal home HD from both perspectives, except that nocturnal home HD has the lowest cost in the second year of treatment from the societal perspective.
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