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Dimethyl fumarate treatment for psoriasis in a real‐life setting: A multicentric retrospective study

Dermatologic Therapy Jul 27, 2021

Corazza M, Odorici G, Conti A, et al. - Researchers conducted a retrospective multi-center study in 5 dermatologic clinics in Emilia-Romagna, Northern Italy, which enrolled all consecutive patients affected by moderate-severe psoriasis treated with dimethyl fumarate (DMF). They evaluated the efficacy (in terms of PASI50 and PASI75 in an intention to treat observation) and safety (occurrence of side effects) of DMF and their relationship with demographic and disease characteristics, mean daily dose is taken, and treatment discontinuation. The study enrolled 103 patients, 78 (75.72%) had at least one comorbidity including 19 (18.44%) with a history of cancer; the mean treatment duration was 23.61 ± 17.99 weeks (min 4, max 130) and the mean daily dose was 262.13 ± 190.94 mg. This research demonstrates the peculiarities of DMF in a real-world setting: efficacy is often reached after 12 weeks of treatment and side effects could limit the continuation of the therapy but, at the same time, DMF has no major contraindications and, due to the wide range of dosage, it can allow both to manage side effects and to personalize the prescription for each patient.

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