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Difluprednate for the treatment of uveitic cystoid macular edema

American Journal of Ophthalmology Mar 31, 2018

Schallhorn JM, et al. - Experts sought to illustrate the clinical outcomes related to the use of topical difluprednate in treating uveitic cystoid macular edema (CME) among 58 patients (72 eyes). An association of difluprednate with an improvement in uveitic CME was noted and thus could be considered as a reasonable first-line therapy. Researchers ought to monitor the IOP closely. For eyes using only difluprednate, central subfield thickness (CST) on average decreased by 17% and by 6% for eyes in patients using concomitant systemic immunosuppressive therapy at 30 days, a 12% difference between groups. Out of the eyes on difluprednate alone, improvement was seen in 76% and 48% had resolution of CME.
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