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Differentially expressed microRNAs as diagnostic biomarkers for infected tibial non-union

Injury Sep 19, 2020

Dai Y, Huang L, Zhang H, et al. - In this study, for the first time, novel diagnostic microRNAs (miRNAs) biomarkers and therapeutic targets were investigated in infected tibial non-union. Microarray analysis revealed 20 differentially expressed miRNAs in cases with infected tibial non-union and closed tibial fractures. Researchers further confirmed the differential expression of miR-649, miR-29b-3p, miR-498, miR-365a-5p, miR-328-5p, and miR-345-3p in a validation cohort. An overall diagnostic accuracy of AUC = 0.953 was attained using combination of three miRNAs (miR-649, miR-328-5p, and miR-345-3p). The findings indicate the role of miR-649, miR-328-5p, and miR-345-3p as novel candidate biomarkers for infected tibial non-union diagnosis, suggesting the utility of these deferentially expressed miRNAs as novel diagnostic and therapeutic tools to identify infected tibial non-union.

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