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Differential rates of Group B Streptococcus (GBS) colonization in pregnant women in a racially diverse area in London, UK: A cross-sectional study

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Feb 14, 2019

Rao GG, et al. - Researchers undertook this cross-sectional study at antenatal clinics in London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust to describe the epidemiology of maternal GBS colonization by racial group. Overall, GBS colonization was noted in 29.1% (1836/6309) women. As per multivariable analysis, significantly higher colonization was evident among women of black African origin compared to white British women and lowest among women of south Asian origin. Higher carriage was observed with higher parity (≥2) with the odds of colonization over 40% higher than for nulliparous women. Incremental rise in colonization from 23% to 35% was observed in correlation with increasing body mass index.
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