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Different thickening complexes with pectin in infant anti-regurgitation formula

Acta Pediatrica Feb 16, 2020

Dupont C, et al. - Via summarizing the outcomes from four clinical trials, researchers tested the safety and effectiveness of a thickening complex in the management of regurgitation in infants. The sample consisted of infants (n = 392) younger than 5 months presenting with at least five regurgitations per day. For this investigation, the effectiveness of four different formulae thickened with different thickening complexes of pectin, starch, and locust bean gum, was assessed on regurgitation at days 3, 14 and 90, and stools and growth at days 14 and 90. According to results, the daily number of regurgitation episodes was significantly decreased at days 3 and 14 compared with baseline in all studies, with the largest reduction with the formula having the highest pectin content. Growth was within the normal range in all studies. The frequency of the stools was unchanged through the interventions. The four tested thickened formulae decreased regurgitation and have been proven safe. The formula showed the best effectiveness with the largest amount of pectin and lowest starch content.
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