Differences in fibroid vascularity after 3 months of pretreatment with leuprolide acetate or ulipristal acetate: A pilot study
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Nov 09, 2019
Frijlingh M, et al. - Researchers examined how volume and fibroid vascularity expressed in vascular index (VI) after 3 months of (pre-)treatment with leuprolide acetate (LPA) vs ulipristal acetate (UPA) differ. They conducted a prospective pilot study including 23 premenopausal women with uterine fibroids. Inclusion of patients who started with LPA or UPA and had at least one fibroid with a size between 3 and 12 cm, was done. In this pilot study, patients with uterine fibroids had a consistent and statistically significant decrease in VI and fibroid volume following 3 months of LPA treatment. UPA use was correlated with less consistent decrease in fibroid volume and VI. The volume reduction after LPA could be predicted theoretically using the strong correlation between the VI at baseline and volume reduction.
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