Differences in body composition convey a similar risk of type 2 diabetes among different ethnic groups with disparate cardiometabolic risk- The HELIUS Study
Diabetes Care May 28, 2021
Zethof M, Mosterd CM, Collard D, et al. - This study was carried out to evaluate whether the relationships between differences in body composition and type 2 diabetes vary among ethnic groups with disparate cardiometabolic risk. Data were used from the Healthy Life in an Urban Setting study, including individuals aged 18–70 of African Surinamese (n = 3,997), South Asian Surinamese (n = 2,956), Turkish (n = 3,546), Moroccan (n = 3,850), Ghanaian (n = 2,271), and Dutch (n = 4,452) origin living in Amsterdam. The World Health Organization criteria were used to define type 2 diabetes. The relation between body composition and type 2 diabetes was evaluated by using logistic regression. It was shown that the relationship between differences in body composition and type 2 diabetes is roughly the same in all ethnic groups. The results demonstrate that the Waist-to-hip ratio appears the most reliable and consistent predictor of type 2 diabetes regardless of ethnic background.
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