Dietary patterns and outcomes of assisted reproduction
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Mar 15, 2019
Gaskins AJ, et al. - Researchers followed up 357 women enrolled in the prospective Environment and Reproductive Health (EARTH) study, who underwent 608 assisted reproductive technologies cycles (2007–2017) to assess whether pretreatment adherence to various dietary patterns is associated with outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies. They used a validated food frequency questionnaire completed prior to treatment to evaluate adherence to the Mediterranean diet, the alternate Healthy Eating Index 2010, the fertility diet (developed based on risk factors for anovulatory infertility) in addition to developing a profertility diet based on factors previously related to assisted reproductive technologies outcomes (higher intake of supplemental folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin D, low- rather than high-pesticide residue produce, whole grains, dairy, soy foods, and seafood rather than other meats). Outcomes revealed an increased probability of live birth among women undergoing assisted reproductive technologies in correlation to higher pretreatment adherence to the profertility diet. For these women, commonly recommended dietary advice such as adhering to the Mediterranean diet may not provide the most appropriate guidance.
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