Dietary intake in type 1 diabetes at different stages of diabetic kidney disease
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Jul 08, 2019
Ahola AJ, et al. - In this investigation, researchers sought to examine the intake of food, dietary patterns, and intakes of nutrients in people with type 1 diabetes differing in renal status. Participants in the study were 1874 people with type 1 diabetes (45% men, age 48 ± 13 years). Diet was evaluated at the levels of food items and diet patterns (diet questionnaire), and energy and nutrient intakes (food record). At the early stages of eGFR decline, reductions in liquid-milk product and salt consumption and increased adherence to special diets were noted. After eGFR was <30 ml/min/1.73m2, reduced coffee consumption was noted. Rye bread consumption decreased with advancing kidney failure, but wheat bread consumption increased. Advancing kidney failure was linked to decreases in protein intake per body weight and in the intakes of sodium, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. In the early stages of declining kidney function, differences in dietary intake are already observed.
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