Dietary intake and lifestyle behaviour in different phenotypes of polycystic ovarian syndrome: A case–control study
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics Mar 17, 2019
Amirjani S, et al. - In 168 women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and 160 healthy women, researchers compared dietary intake and lifestyle behaviour. For this cross-sectional comparative study, they classified the case group into 3 phenotypes based on the presence or absence of menstrual disorder (M), hyperandrogenism (HA) and polycystic ovary according to sonography (PCO): HA+PCO (n = 53), PCO+M (n = 57) and M+HA+PCO (n = 66). Using a food frequency questionnaire and a lifestyle questionnaire, dietary intake and lifestyle behaviour were measured. In PCOS groups, the mean energy and fat intakes were higher than in the control group. Compared to other phenotypes, the average energy and fat intakes were higher in the HA+M+PCO group after age and body mass index (BMI) adjustment. In the fields of physical activity, weight and nutrition control after age and BMI adjustment, lifestyle scores were lower in the PCOS group compared to the control group. In Iranian women with PCOS, a limited intake of energy and fat is strongly recommended, especially for phenotype HA+M+PCO. Consultation on psychological health improvement and the importance of weight and nutrition control as well as appropriate physical activity is recommended, particularly in patients with HA+M+PCO phenotype.
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