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Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet and activity to limit gestational weight: Maternal offspring metabolics family intervention trial, a technology enhanced randomized trial

American Journal of Preventive Medicine Sep 28, 2018

Van Horn L, et al. - This randomized clinical trial examined whether a calorie-controlled, Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet and lifestyle intervention guided by a registered dietitian nutritionist coach using commercially available weight-loss technology could safely be applied to limit gestational weight gain and improve diet quality and physical activity. Between October 2012 and December 2015, overweight and obese ethnically diverse pregnant women in Chicago, IL, were recruited, with antenatal data collection completed by July 2016. Significantly less total gestational weight gain over 35 weeks with no adverse infant outcomes was seen as a result of this technology-enhanced DASH diet and lifestyle intervention. Nutrient quality also improved with no adverse effect on the rate of prematurity. Achievement of National Academy of Medicine goals, however, was not seen in most participants.

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