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Dialysis-associated allergic reactions during continuous renal replacement therapy and hemodialysis: A case report

Hemodialysis International Nov 22, 2019

Chen DP, et al. - Keeping in mind that dialyzer reactions represent long-appreciated complications of dialysis, and the occurrence of these life-threatening reactions is still reported even after advancement in dialysis machines and membranes, which makes it necessary to identify potential dialyzer reactions when evaluating adverse dialysis events, researchers describe a case wherein anuric acute kidney injury requiring dialysis occurred in a 72-year old woman who was then managed with continuous renal replacement therapy and a subsequent hemodialysis treatment. She suffered acute hypotension and cardiopulmonary arrest during both these treatments. An anaphylactic reaction to an unidentified component of the dialysis equipment was inferred as the issue here. They discussed identification, workup, treatment, and reporting of dialyzer reactions, in the context of this case.
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