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Diagnostic thresholds for blood pressure measured at home in the context of the 2017 hypertension guideline: Analysis from 2 US cohorts

Hypertension Nov 01, 2018

Vongpatanasin W, et al. - Researchers used a regression-based approach in the Dallas Heart Study (DHS; n=5,768) and the North Carolina Masked Hypertension study (n=420) to determine home blood pressure (BP) thresholds for stage 1 hypertension (≥ 130/80 mmHg). They also evaluated home BP thresholds using an outcome-derived approach based on the composite of all-cause mortality or cardiovascular events in the DHS cohort. Among untreated participants, BP levels of 129/80 mmHg, 130/80 mmHg, and 126/78 mmHg were identified as regression-derived thresholds for home BP corresponding to clinic BP for stage 1 hypertension in black, white, and Hispanic populations, respectively. Overall, for the diagnosis of hypertension in black, white, and Hispanic populations, a home BP threshold of 130/80 mmHg was supported by the data based on both regression-derived and outcome approach.

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