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Diagnostic imaging concordance study: Are traction radiographs necessary in a hip fracture

Injury Oct 30, 2020

García MC, García LF, Gomez A, et al. - The present study was conducted to assess whether the characterization and classification of the lesion are necessary for proper surgical planning, with anteroposterior (AP), lateral and traction radiograph of the hip, paramount for decision-making. Between January and July 2017, researchers performed a retrospective concordance study including a total of 64 patients with hip fractures who consulted the hospital. This study’s findings demonstrate that traction hip radiograph continues to be a beneficial tool in training environments to adequately categorize an intertrochanteric fracture, considering it is a low-cost, minimal morbidity intervention, and is easily accessible. The data found similar findings regarding the utility of traction to conduct an adequate classification in people in training or in young orthopedists. It also affects to ascertain the potential instability, and this would modify the choice of the implant.

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