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Diagnosis of fibromyalgia: comparison of the 2011/2016 acr and aapt criteria and validation of the modified fibromyalgia assessment status

Rheumatology Mar 27, 2020

Salaffi F, Di Carlo M, Farah S, et al. - This study compared the concordance of the three diagnostic criteria, respectively the 2011 ACR criteria (ACR 2011 Cr), the ACR 2016 criteria (ACR 2016 Cr) and the analgesic, anesthetic, and addiction clinical trial translations innovations opportunities and networks (ACTTION)-APS pain taxonomy criteria (AAPT Cr), and to examine the performance of an additional set of criteria, the modified fibromyalgia assessment status (FAS 2019 modCr), in the diagnosis of FM syndrome. Researchers recruited a sum of 732 (405 with fibromyalgia (FM) and 327 with other common chronic pain problems) individuals. They analyzed discriminant validity to identify patients with FM and non-FM with receiver operating characteristic curve analysis for the FAS 2019 modCr. While the AAPT Cr conduct least well in terms of percentage of correct classification, there is a considerable agreement between criteria-based diagnoses of FM. It was reported that the FAS 2019 modCr had comparable characteristics.

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