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Diabetes mellitus and marital status: Evidence from the national longitudinal mortality study on the effect of marital dissolution and the death of a spouse

International Journal of General Medicine May 28, 2021

Kposowa AJ, et al. - This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of marital status on diabetes mellitus by stratifying the analysis by gender, including socioeconomic covariates and, unlike most studies, extending marital status by separating out previously conflated status categories. For the data, release 5 of the National Longitudinal Mortality Study was used. Between 1990 and 2011, logistic regression was applied to the data. Researchers enrolled the effective sample size as 1,384,507 individuals aged 18 and above (via the Current Population Surveys), 3,955 of whom had died of diabetes mellitus by 2011. This United States study demonstrates that divorced/separated men and widowed women are at elevated risk for diabetes mellitus mortality, and that among these populations at risk, minorities are at higher risk than whites. The data indicate the utility of marital status and gender differences in the risk of death from diabetes.

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