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Diabetes distress and glycaemic control in young adults with type 1 diabetes: Associations by use of insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors

Diabetic Medicine Jul 30, 2021

Nagel KE, Dearth-Wesley T, Herman AN, et al. - This research sought to ascertain if high diabetes distress (DD) in young adults with type 1 diabetes was correlated with higher glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels and if this relationship was similar among those who were and were not using diabetes devices (insulin pumps and/or continuous glucose monitors). An online survey was performed by 423 of 743 (57%) young adults (19-31 years) with type 1 diabetes receiving care at a specialty clinic in New York City in 2017. Among 419 respondents with complete DD data, 59% were female and 69% were non-Hispanic white. The findings revealed that in young adults, high DD requires more attention because it is associated with higher HbA1c levels, even among those using insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors.

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