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Diabetes attenuated age-related aortic root dilatation in end-stage renal disease patients receiving peritoneal dialysis

Journal of Diabetes Investigation Jun 23, 2019

Ye M, et al. - In patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), researchers explored the connection between diabetes and cardiac structural and functional features, especially aortic root dimensions. For this investigation, they consecutively enrolled ESRD patients receiving peritoneal dialysis for >3 months. By presence of diabetes history, clinical characteristics and echocardiographic parameters were analyzed. To identify variables correlated with aortic root dilatation, multiple logistic regression analysis was carried out. The study sample consisted of 218 ESRD patients receiving peritoneal dialysis. In ESRD patients, an inverse association was found between diabetes and age-related aortic root dilatation. Even after adjustment for age, sex and other clinical confounders in patients with ESRD, diabetes remained independently correlated with aortic root dilatation.

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