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Dexamethasone/netilmicin eye drops and eye gel for the treatment of ocular inflammation after micro-incisional vitreoretinal surgery

Clinical Ophthalmology Oct 16, 2020

Rapisarda A, Arpa P, Fantaguzzi PM, et al. - Researchers conducted this multicenter, open, randomized, active-controlled, parallel-group, clinical trial to assess the impact of dexamethasone/netilmicin (dexa/net) fixed combination in the treatment of ocular inflammation after sutureless micro-incisional vitreoretinal surgery (MIVS). This trial was conducted in 6 sites in Italy. Study participants were 1:1 randomized to dexa/net (eyedrops solution and eye gel) or dexamethasone/tobramycin (dexa/tobra) eyedrops suspension and ointment. A complete resolution of bulbar conjunctiva hyperaemia at the study endpoint was achieved in 92.9% of dexa/net-treated patients and 75.0% of dexa/tobra-treated patients. Overall, the authors concluded that the combination dexa/net is effective and safe in the treatment of post-operative inflammation following sutureless MIVS. The use of eye gel formulation, in particular, is characterized by high tolerability.

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