DEXA sensitivity analysis in patients with adult spinal deformity
The Spine Journal Sep 11, 2019
Gupta A, Upadhyaya S, Patel A, et al. - Via a retrospective study of 286 patients, researchers acknowledged the value of getting a forearm DEXA scan in addition to a hip scan in patients with adult spinal deformity (ASD) and osteoporosis to correctly detect low BMD. One T-score value was noted in 68% of patients. For both the hip and forearm, 24.8% of patients had data, while 7.1% had data for the forearm, hip, and spine. The forearm was more sensitive than the hip in its ability to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis 41.2% of the time, in the 85 patients with more than one anatomical site of study. No statistically important variation between hip T-scores and forearm T-scores was exhibited by a two-tailed t-test. Nevertheless, for more than 17% of patients, the forearm allowed clinicians to discover osteoporosis or osteopenia in a setting where using only the hip data would have fumbled such a diagnosis. Therefore, clinicians are wanted to assure they survey at least two locations when doing DEXA studies prior to precluding a diagnosis of osteopenia or osteoporosis. All ASD patients being assessed for low bone density should receive DEXA scans that survey at least the hip and the forearm. Misdiagnoses could be expensive in the setting of ASD. They occur often when only a single hip scan is relied upon to evaluate BMD.
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