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Device‐measured physical activity and its association with physical function in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Diabetic Medicine May 28, 2021

Mickute M, Henson J, Rowlands AV, et al. - The present study was conducted to evaluate how differences in metrics characterizing physical activity and sedentary behavior in type 2 diabetes are associated with physical function. Researchers enrolled participants’ data from the Chronotype of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Effect on Glycaemic Control cross-sectional study. Data were classified into two groups according to their short physical performance battery (SPPB) score (impaired physical function = SPPB < 10 and normal physical function = SPPB ≥ 10). A total of 635 adults were enrolled in this study (median age 66 years, 34% female). The outcomes revealed that the strength of the relationships for physical activity measures and functional capacity were modified by physical function status, with the strongest relationship seen in those with impaired physical function.

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