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Development of application to automatically calculate mean amplitude of glycaemic excursions using intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring data

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Jun 27, 2021

Kitae A, Kimura T, Munekawa C, et al. - This study intended to establish an application to estimate mean amplitude of glycaemic excursions (MAGE) automatically and to evaluate its accuracy. Researchers titled the application intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring (isCGM) calculator KAMOGAWA (Kyoto Auto MAGE Of Glucose calculator With isCGM Application). They applied isCGM data from 20 patients, 10 with and 10 without diabetes, to compare manually calculated MAGE values with those calculated using KAMOGAWA. They estimated the rate of agreement for the MAGE values. The outcomes demonstrate that KAMOGAWA can help diabetologists use MAGE in clinical practice, which could contribute to improving glycaemic control in patients who use isCGM.

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