Development of a risk score for earlier diagnosis of chronic kidney disease in children
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Apr 26, 2019
Nogueira PCK, et al. - A case-control study of a multicenter Brazilian sample of 752 pediatric patients [376 chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients as cases and 376 children with nonrenal diseases as contol] was undertaken to develop a clinical score for the early identification of CKD in children and adolescents. Through a standard questionnaire, researchers investigated potential risk factors that included symptoms, medical history, and a clinical examination. Predictors of the diagnosis of CKD were assessed via fitting two multivariable models (A and B). Nine variables were noted to be associated with CKD diagnosis in model A: antenatal ultrasound with urinary malformation, recurrent urinary tract infection, polyuria, abnormal urine stream, nocturia, growth curve flattening, history of hypertension, foamy urine and edema. Except for the addition of the history of admission during the neonatal period and the exclusion of antenatal ultrasound variables Model B had the same variables as model A. Findings suggest a possible utility of the present scores as a warning sign for CKD diagnosis in children among professionals working in the primary care setting where the symptoms associated with a risk of CKD may be overlooked.
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