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Development of a new mortality scoring system for acute kidney injury with continuous renal replacement therapy

Nephrology Oct 08, 2019

Kim Y, Park N, Kim J, et al. - Owing to the worst outcomes of patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in ICU, a need for modification of Acute Physiologic Assessment and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) and the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) was realized, and this led researchers to develop a mortality prediction model to predict mortality within 7 days following initiating CRRT in this study including 828 patients who underwent CRRT. They assigned modified scores to each variable which were first employed in the APACHE II and SOFA scoring models, based on regression analysis. In addition, following stepwise selection analysis, they constructed a novel abbreviated Mortality Scoring system for AKI with CRRT (MOSAIC). They found that the modification of these models led to an increase in the prediction powers up to 0.752 for the APACHE II and 0.724 for the SOFA systems. A possibly greater utility of the modified APACHE II/SOFA and newly developed MOSAIC models was suggested for predicting death for patients receiving CRRT.
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