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Development and usability testing of a patient decision aid for newly diagnosed relapsing multiple sclerosis patients

BMC Neurology Jul 26, 2019

Bansback N, et al. - Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, researchers developed a patient decision aid (PtDA) for newly diagnosed relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) patients considering a disease-modifying therapy to manage their condition and examined the usability and acceptability of the PtDA in the clinical decision-making process. There were 25 participants with MS in this study. Investigators discovered that the PtDA was both highly usable and acceptable and that patients felt well-prepared to make a decision after its use. Patient feedback was used to further refine the RRMS-PtDA, despite high initial usability and acceptability ratings. Future studies will evaluate the feasibility of implementation as well as the impact of the PtDA on timely initiation of treatment and long-term adherence.

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