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Determinants and variations of hospital costs in patients with lumbar radiculopathy hospitalized for spinal surgery

Spine Feb 20, 2019

Huysmans E, et al. - Data from the University Hospital Brussels data warehouse was studied to analyze the hospital costs associated with surgery for lumbar radiculopathy and also to recognize the determinants of intramural costs. Authors observed € 5016 ± 188 per patient, the mean total hospital costs. They found 53% of the total hospital costs as costs related to the actual residence. They claimed 18% of the costs for the surgical procedure. They also recorded 46% higher costs acquired for the presence of preadmission comorbidities. A higher cost of 72% was estimated for emergency procedures as compared to elective surgery. They calculated 211% higher hospital costs among subjects receiving spinal fusion in comparison to subjects not receiving such intervention.
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