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Depressive symptoms in asymptomatic Stage B heart failure with type II diabetic mellitus

Clinical Cardiology Apr 30, 2019

Mills PJ, et al. - In this cross-sectional study, researchers investigated if the presence of greater inflammation and depressive symptoms can be seen in Type II diabetic mellitus (T2DM) vs non-T2DM patients in a population of presymptomatic Stage B heart failure (HF) patients (mean age 66.4 years ±10.1; range 30 - 91). Overall 349 participants were examined for clinical parameters, inflammatory biomarkers, and depressive symptoms. In asymptomatic HF patients with T2DM patients, elevated somatic/affective but not cognitive/affective depressive symptoms were observed. T2DM HF patients with somatic depression displayed shared pathophysiological mechanisms as indicated by linkages with elevated inflammatory and cardiac relevant biomarkers. These entities were responsive to routine interventions, including behavioral.
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