Dental pulp status of posterior teeth in patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer treated with radiotherapy: 1-year follow-up
Journal of Endodontics Feb 21, 2018
Gupta N, et al. - In patients who underwent radiotherapy for oral and oropharyngeal malignancies, the pulp sensibility of posterior teeth at 4, 6, and 12 months was evaluated herein. Experts noted that in teeth of patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer who underwent radiotherapy (66–70 Gy), there was a progressive decrease in pulp sensibility from TP1 (before radiotherapy) to TP5 (completion of radiotherapy). At TP4 (6 months) and TP5 (12 months), no response to cold thermal tests was noted, and from TP1 through TP5 teeth responded at increasingly higher electric pulp testing (EPT) values. These findings were statistically significant.
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