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Dementia-related anxiety and coping styles associated with suicidal ideation

Aging and Mental Health Jul 13, 2019

Cui R, et al. - Researchers examined if there is a relationship between dementia-related anxiety and coping styles and suicidal ideation in adults. In addition, they assessed the moderating effects of coping styles on the relation between dementia-related anxiety and suicidal ideation. The Miller Behavioral Style Scale, Dementia Worry Scale, and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 were completed by online Mturk participants (n=330). Using the Patient Health Questionnaire, assessment of suicidal ideation was made. The multiple logistic regression revealed the independent correlation of dementia-related anxiety and monitor/blunter coping styles with suicidal ideation. No moderation in the relationship between dementia-related anxiety and suicidal ideation was seen via coping styles. Considering individual differences in dementia-related anxiety and coping styles may benefit interventions to decrease suicide risk.

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