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Deliveries following fertility preservation by ovarian tissue cryopreservation without autotransplantation--What should be expected?

Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics Nov 01, 2018

Lantsberg D, et al. - Researchers analyzed all consecutive cancer patients admitted to their IVF unit, from January 2004 to December 2015, who underwent ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTCP) for the purpose of fertility preservation without autotransplantation, to determine the delivery rate among them and to characterize them. Findings revealed that 30% of the patients delivered during 6.4 years of follow-up. Those who delivered were not different from those who did not, in gravity, age at first diagnosis of cancer, type of malignancy, or the prevalence of relapse of malignancy. Further, in multivariate analysis, significantly higher odds to conceive and deliver following cancer treatment without the need of autotransplantation were noted among those undergoing OTCP before the age of 30 and those suffering from breast cancer. Findings thereby highlight the necessity for further studies to assess the appropriate subgroup of patients with breast cancer under the age of 30 years, who will need OTCP.
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