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Delirium in an acute stroke setting, occurrence, and risk factors

Stroke Oct 04, 2019

Shaw R, Drozdowska B, Taylor-Rowan M, et al. - Since delirium is a common and serious complication of acute illness, researchers characterized delirium occurrence in an unselected, acute stroke population. Data were collected from consecutive stroke admissions. The study sample consisted of 708 patients [median age of 71 years (interquartile range, 59–80)]. Delirium was recorded in 187 of 708 patients. Factors independently linked to delirium were: age, drug/alcohol misuse, and stroke severity across 395 patients with complete risk factor data (105 delirium). The authors discovered that delirium in acute stroke is prevalent and affects 1 in 4. It may be feasible to use prestroke and stroke-specific variables to predict those at risk.
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