Delayed vs immediate oxytocin infusion after amniotomy for induction of labour: A randomized controlled pilot trial
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Aug 03, 2019
Titulaer LML, et al. - Researchers undertook a randomized controlled pilot trial in a peripheral teaching hospital in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in order to get a preliminary understanding of the amniotomy-to-delivery interval, patients’ experiences and risks by awaiting spontaneous contractions after amniotomy. In addition, they investigated the necessity and feasibility for a larger randomized controlled trial. Randomization to amniotomy with 12-hours delayed oxytocin (DO), or amniotomy with immediate oxytocin was performed of 64 women with term, singleton pregnancy in vertex position undergoing labor induction for one of the five following indications: prolonged pregnancy, mild hypertensive disorders, diabetes, expected macrosomia, maternal request. As per the preliminary results, the DO-group showed prolonged amniotomy-to-delivery interval with 9 hours, with equal patient-reported childbirth perception in the overall group. Less positive perception of the delivery and more frequent use of pain relief when oxytocin was delayed were reported in parous women. They recommend further investigation regarding delaying oxytocin infusion after amniotomy in an adequately powered randomized trial.
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