Degenerative changes in the elbow joint after radial head excision for fracture: quantitative 3-dimensional analysis in bone density, stress distribution and bone morphology
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Nov 12, 2020
Miyamura S, Lans J, Murase T, et al. - In this study, the 3-dimensional bone density and stress distributions were compared between operative and non-operative elbows in patients that underwent radial head excision. Researchers intended to evaluate the bone morphologic changes applying the 3-dimensional models in the same cohort. After retrospective identification, six patients who underwent radial head excision for radial head fractures were enrolled. They distinguished asymmetric bone density and stress alterations at the lateral side of the ulnohumeral joint and bone morphologic changes across the joint in elbows treated with radial head excision. The outcomes suggested that radial head excision contributes to ulnohumeral arthritis over the long-term.
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