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Definition of a novel proximal femur classification in the sagittal plane according to the femur morphometric analysis

Journal of Arthroplasty Apr 08, 2019

Bozkurt M, et al. - Researchers investigated computerized tomography scans from 270 femoral bones of adult skeletons, followed by 3D reconstruction using Leonardo Dr/Dsa Va30a software (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) and measurements to define a novel proximal femur classification in the sagittal plane. They noted a wider average width at the level of the lesser trochanter and all points distal to it in the sagittal plane vs the coronal plane excluding lesser trochanter (LT) −200 mm. They suggested the prevalence of the ratio of the femoral width at the lesser trochanter level to the width 50 mm distal to the LT.
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