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Defining the survival benefit of adjuvant pelvic radiotherapy and chemotherapy vs chemotherapy alone in stages III-IVA endometrial carcinoma

Gynecologic Oncology Jul 04, 2019

Xiang M, et al. - Researchers intended to define patients with locoregionally advanced endometrial cancer for whom pelvic external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) in addition to chemotherapy would be beneficial vs chemotherapy alone. They used the National Cancer Database and identified patients who underwent at least total hysterectomy and adjuvant multiagent chemotherapy for FIGO stages III–IVA endometrial carcinoma. Patients with stage IIIC (specifically IIIC2) endometrioid and stages IIIB and IIIC non-endometrioid cancer were significantly benefitted from pelvic EBRT, as revealed in multivariable analyses stratified by stage and histology. In univariable analysis, pelvic EBRT was associated with absolute 5-year survival increases of 5% and in the endometrioid and 9% in the non-endometrioid cohorts.

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