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Decreased microcirculatory function measured by perfusion index is a novel indicator of diabetic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes

Journal of Diabetes Investigation Jan 08, 2020

Okada H, Tanaka M, Yasuda T, et al. - In this cross-sectional study involving 574 patients with T2D who were admitted to Matsushita Memorial Hospital in Moriguchi, Japan, researchers explored the relationship between microcirculatory function and diabetic kidney disease (DKD). Using the perfusion index (PI), the microcirculatory function was evaluated which represents the level of circulation through peripheral tissues. Data reported that the median age and PI values were 70 years (range 60–77 years) and 2.8% (range 1.6–4.8%). In patients with diabetes, impaired microcirculation, determined by a simple, non-invasive PI measurement, could be a valuable indicator of DKD. Microcirculation could be a DKD prevention goal.
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