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Decrease in semen quality and Leydig cell function in infertile men: A longitudinal study

Human Reproduction Oct 25, 2018

Olesen IA, et al. - Researchers examine if infertile men with reduced semen quality are at risk of a further decrease in testicular function via a follow-up study of men with spermatogenic failure (SgF) 15 years after the initial infertility assessment between January 1995 and December 2000. Using hospital records, they identified a total of 137 men with primary male infertility due to SgF and 70 controls with good semen quality from couples with female factor infertility. The SgF men showed significantly reduced Leydig cell capacity vs the control group, and much lower semen quality at the time of follow up. Analysis of baseline and follow up samples of SgF men showed a decrease in the median sperm concentration from 1.9 to 0.6 mill/ml and total sperm count from 7.7 to 2.0 million; azoospermia developed in 10%. In addition, a lower baseline sperm concentration was associated with a more pronounced increase in LH and decrease in testosterone/LH ratio at follow-up.

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